Paschalia Stefanidou-Voziki

P. Stefanidou

Early Stage Researcher



Paschalia Stefanidou-Voziki was born in Thessaloniki, Greece in 1994. She received her Diploma in Electrical and Computer Engineering from the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki in November 2018, with a specialization in electrical energy. She, also, spent a semester in the Leibniz Universitaet Hannover, as an Erasmus exchange student. Her Master´s Thesis, titled “Fault location in Medium Voltage Distribution Networks”, was completed in cooperation with the Hellenic Electricity Distribution Network Operator (HEDNO), and was a study on a method to automate the fault location process used by HEDNO. During that period, she also completed a three-month internship in HEDNO, in the department of development and operation of the network, and more specifically in the protection section
. Currently she is working as a researcher in the Catalonia Institute for Energy Research, as part of the INCITE network
. Her research focuses on the identification and, subsequently, location of faults occurring in the distribution grid. Her main research interests include the protection of electrical networks, with emphasis in fault location, power system analysis and voltage regulation.

My project:

Advanced Monitoring and Controls of the Electrical Distribution Grid

Supervisor: Cristina Corchero

Blog entries:

An introduction to the protection and fault location in distribution networks