
Workshop “Energy Flexible Buildings”

On Monday March 26th 2018, an open workshop about “Energy flexible buildings” was organized by IREC, in the building of the Palau Robert in the heart of Barcelona. The objective of the workshop was to disseminate the ideas behind energy flexible buildings to a wider audience, and raise the awareness of local engineers, designers, architects…
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Forecasting in the electrical grid

[latexpage] A. Uncertainty in the electrical grid In today's electrical grid, as the integration of renewable energy sources (RES) in the grid increases, the uncertainty in the available generation also rises. In particular, the larger the share of RES in the grid, the more dependent is the electricity generation on weather conditions, and in turn,…
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Distributed control approach in electrical networks: advantages and challenges

Some key features of future electrical networks include the high penetration of distributed generation units, either those that are based on renewable sources or those that are dispatchable, the increasing usage of storage energy systems, and the possibility of having bidirectional power flow, in which consumers can have active roles in the balancing the power…
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Integrated simulation and design optimisation tools

Monte Carlo simulation and Multistage stochastic programming approaches for the day-ahead scheduling of local energy systems The implementation of microgrids is considered useful to enable the increasing integration of decentralized energy producers. However, the volatility of renewable energy generation and demand behaviour is one of the biggest challenges for the operation of local energy systems,…
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